Private Equity & Corporate Finance

Ombudsman’s Office

A part of something big.

Nordstein – a member of the Ombudsman’s Office.

According to Art. 79 (1) FIDLEG, financial service providers have the duty to inform their clients about the possibility of a mediation procedure at the Ombudsman’s Office. This information must be provided when the business relationship is entered into (a); when a legal claim asserted by the client is rejected (b); and at any time upon request (c).

Nordstein AG has been affiliated with the Ombudsman’s Office for Financial Service Providers (OFD) since August 2020. The ombudsman is neutral and can provide expert information as well as act as an independent mediator in disputes. Expensive, time-consuming and often years-long court proceedings can thus be avoided.

Verein Ombudsstelle Finanzdienstleister (OFD)
Bleicherweg 10, 8002 Zürich